Modern Merchant Onboarding

Resolve the bottlenecks in your process to verify and approve businesses faster than ever

Innovative Solutions Offering Speed and Security

New tools to easily onboard new merchants
Reduce Boarding Costs
Dynamically adjust rules to support requirements from tech and marketing
Automatic Approvals
Increase approvals using sophisticated risk & identity rules engine
student lending
Improve Profitability
Identity and document verification to reduce manual intervention

On-Brand Merchant Signups

White label flows to seamlessly fit within your process

  • Provide a consistent branded experience

  • Incorporate promotional messages to drive engagement and upsell customers

  • Deploy custom flows for yourself and partners with rules tailed to specific needs

Lift Approval Rates

Increase KYB success for micro and SMB merchants with an additional identity check

  • Verify directors of companies with thin files
  • Add 2FA and MFA to reduce spam
  • Focus on quality applicants while weeding out fraud

Enrich Company Data

Keep your merchant onboarding smooth while Gratify enriches from data behind the scenes

  • Automatically verify the data during signup

  • AI and sophisticated tooling to take risk-based steps to issue confident decisions

  • Apply decision rules using the enriched data packet to replace the slow manual processes

KYB using Your Rules

Customizable rules that fit your risk profile while maintaining compliance at speed

  • Custom tailored KYB based on regulatory needs
  • Quickly deploy new iterations without breaking processes
  • Set rules to reduce financial loss and safeguard reputation

Auto Accept and Deny

A sophisticated rules engine to automate merchant approvals to accelerate decisions

  • Handle surges in request volume without additional resources
  • Ensure consistency across all decisions
  • Great reporting to keep your students on track

Outputs for Your Whole Team

Generate clear, actionable outputs from the onboarding process that your entire team can utilize
Informed Decision Making
Provide comprehensive insights into merchant activities, verifications and approvals, enabling better cohesiveness based on solid data.

Enhanced Reporting
Use your onboarding data toreporta at every level of your organization. From approval rates, to fraud trends, we've got you covered.

Streamlined Workflows
Automate data flows between departments, reducing bottlenecks and improving overall operational efficiency across your organization.

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