
Capture enrolment intent early with our easy Pre-Qualification for Tuition Financing. Integrating our Pre-Qualification form ensures students are aware of their financing options from the start, increasing their likelihood of enrolment and securing your institution's revenue.

The easy path to Financing

Get Approved
Have students fill out the pre-qualification form to see how much they qualify for
Create an Order
Create a tuition order request based on what the student can afford
Order Accepted
Students accept the order and Gratify settles the tuition payment with your school

How it works

It's easy to show students that financing is available

  • Co-Branded applications can be embedded on your site or on a custom URL
  • The simple application can be filled out in 3 minutes with decisions granted the same day
  • Decisions are shared with the school so you can work with the student to finalize enrolment

Why Offer it

Capture students at the earliest point they show interest in joining your school

  • Enrolment conversion will increase once students know that an affordable tuition plan is availalbe
  • Student confidence is raised by getting a quick decision that covers what they need
  • Offering financial access creates an advantage by over other schools that don't offer financing help

We're Invested in Your Success

Training and Help Docs

We will get you comfortable using our service and always have helpful videos and docs to help you get along the way.

Proactive Support

When anything comes up, our friendly staff will care about your situation and have the means to fix it right away.

Marketing Resources

Consider us your Marketing Assistant. We've got lots of resources and experience to help attract and close new business.

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